3GNTW :: Knowledgebase

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http://www.kbpublisher.com - http://www.kbpublisher.com

[b]text[/b] - Bold text.

[u]text[/u] - Underline text.

[i]text[/i] - Italic text.

[s]text[/s] - Strike-through text.

[color=green]text[/color] - Colored text.

[url]kbpublisher.com[/url] - kbpublisher.com

[url=kbpublisher.com]text[/url] - text

[email]example@example.com[/email] - example@example.com

[quote]text[/quote] - Quoted text

[h1]text[/h1] - Caption text.

[code]text[/code] - Code view text

Ordered list:

[*] item1
[*] item2
  1. item 1
  2. item 2

Unordered list:

[*] item1
[*] item2
  • item 1
  • item 2